Amazing Mango

28 May Amazing Mango!

Do you love the island-y sweet and unique taste of mangoes? I sure do! Fresh or frozen, by themselves, or mixed up in a treat, consider me a fan!


Not only are mangoes a healthy source for your everyday calories, they are also packed with nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, and lots of fiber! Mangoes are also great to add to desserts, easy to puree to create yummy popsicles, and they make a sweet addition to smoothies to beat the heat.

Aside from being a tasty and nutritious fruit, there are several fun and fascinating facts about this fruit you might enjoy. Here are some of the amazing quick facts about mangoes.

  1. Mangoes come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors, including yellow, orange, red and green.
  2. In India, the mango tree is a symbol of love and some believe that these trees can grant wishes.
  3. More fresh mangoes are eaten around the world every day than any other fruit!
  4. It is believed that the oldest living mango tree is 300 years old and is found in East Khandesh. This tree is still surprisingly producing fruit.
  5. Mangos are related to cashews and pistachios.
  6. Mango vitamins depend on their variety and maturity. Green mangoes are rich with vitamin C, and increase in vitamin A as they ripen,
  7. Mango trees were first grown in India 5,000 years ago.
  8. In some places, mango leaves are used as wedding ornaments to ensure that the couple will have many children.
  9. Because of its popularity, the mango is the national fruit of 3 countries: India, Pakistan, and the Philippines.
  10. In some places, it is believed that receiving a basket of mangoes is a gesture of friendship.


What’s your favorite way to enjoy mangoes? Have any fun mango recipes to share? Please comment and share the mango love!


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